Seaforth Publishing 253-0 British and Commonwealth Warship camouflage of WWII - Volume 2 by Malcolm Wright

British and Commonwealth Warship camouflage of WWII - Volume 2 by Malcolm Wright - Image 1
Termékkód: SEA-253-0
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19312 Ft vagy 33400 pont

27% ÁFA-t tartalmaz
országba történő szállításkor: Magyarország
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British and Commonwealth Warship camouflage of WWII - Volume 2 by Malcolm Wright


During the Second World War navies developed low visibility camouflage for their ships, on both the vertical and horizontal surfaces, in order reduce visibility by blending in with the sea, or confuse the identity of a ship by applying more obtrusive patters. In this the second volume by maritime artist Mal Wright, both the official and unofficial paint schemes that adorned the capital ships of the Royal Navy and Commonwealth are depicted in detail, along with discussions on changes of armament and electronics that effected the outward appearance of each ship.

Beginning with the Royal Sovereign class, the book goes on to cover all the other battleship classes as well as the battlecruisers, monitors, the first and second generation carriers as well as light and escort carriers. Where possible both sides of the ship are depicted, and there are multiple images of the ships where armament or equipment changes had a fundamental impact on a ship's appearance. Overhead views are also included. With 525 full colour illustrations, arranged by ship type rather than camouflage scheme, this book concentrates the clearest possible information into a single volume to provide a one-stop reference source.

Many schemes would be difficult for the reader to have found other than with the most intensive research so that historians, collectors, modelmakers and wargamers will find this unique reference source absolutely invaluable.

Malcolm George Wright is an Australian maritime artist who is also an internationally-known wargames designer and writer and lecturuer. He has spent five decades researching this volume, making notes while interviewing veterans, as well as consulting official sources, photographs and the work of artists of the era. He lives in Adelaide and is currently working on a second volume covering capital ships.

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Vélemény hozzáadása: British and Commonwealth Warship camouflage of WWII - Volume 2 by Malcolm Wright
Hozzáadva a katalógushoz: 7.5.2024
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Méretarány: 1:350
Gyártó: Master
Termékkód: MAS-SM-350-013
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5671 Ft vagy 9800 pont

Gyártó: Modelarstwo Okrętowe
Termékkód: MOK79
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2854 Ft vagy 4300 pont

Méretarány: 1:700
Gyártó: Master
Termékkód: MAS-SM-700-011
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2739 Ft vagy 4700 pont

Méretarány: 1:700
Gyártó: Master
Termékkód: MAS-SM-700-014
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2739 Ft vagy 4700 pont

Méretarány: 1:700
Gyártó: Master
Termékkód: MAS-SM-700-013
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2739 Ft vagy 4700 pont

Méretarány: 1:700
Gyártó: Master
Termékkód: MAS-SM-700-056
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2739 Ft vagy 4700 pont

Gyártó: Modelarstwo Okrętowe
Termékkód: MOK78
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2854 Ft vagy 4300 pont

Méretarány: 1:350
Gyártó: Aber
Termékkód: abe1-350L-030
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3062 Ft vagy 5300 pont

Méretarány: 1:350
Gyártó: Aber
Termékkód: abe1-350L-031
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3062 Ft vagy 5300 pont

Méretarány: 1:350
Gyártó: Aber
Termékkód: abe1-350L-048
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5803 Ft vagy 10000 pont

Méretarány: 1:700
Gyártó: Aber
Termékkód: abe1-700L-023
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3740 Ft vagy 6500 pont

Méretarány: 1:700
Gyártó: Aber
Termékkód: abe1-700L-022
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3740 Ft vagy 6500 pont