
NEW! Mirage-Hobby 350002 Two US Rangers Team With Bazooka - WW2 US Gls With Bazooka M1A1 Rocket Launcher, Normandy 1944 (Part 1)

Two US Rangers Team With Bazooka - WW2 US Gls With Bazooka M1A1 Rocket Launcher, Normandy 1944 (Part 1) - Image 1
Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: Mirage-Hobby
Termékkód: mir350002
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5562 Ft vagy 9000 pont

27% ÁFA-t tartalmaz
országba történő szállításkor: Magyarország
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Súly:0.05 kg
Hozzáadva a katalógushoz:13.11.2024
Címkék:US-Rangers US-World-War-II-Infantry
Mirage Hobby Tyniecka 36 02-621 Warszawa Lengyelország
Felelős szervezetMirage Hobby Tyniecka 36 02-621 Warszawa Lengyelország

Set includes:

  • Two US Gl soldiers figurines
  • Three type of rockets (M6A1, M10, M6A3)
  • Rocket fiber container
  • Rocket launcher M1A1

The US Army Rangers (full name: United States Army Rangers), or Rangers for short, is a light infantry unit of the US Army whose roots date back to the 17th century! It was then that units of irregular troops (actually militia) with this name were formed, intended to fight the Indians. The unit with that name also took part in the US War of Independence (1775-1783). However, the genesis of the modern US Rangers troops dates back to World War II, and more precisely to June 1942, when on the initiative of Col. Lucian Truscotta was formed the 1st Ranger Battalion. The soldiers of this unit took part in the course of Operation Torch (1942) and later in North Africa, until the summer of 1943. Then the unit was expanded by the 3rd and 4th battalions. These units took part in the battles on the Apennine (1943-1944), but suffered such great losses during their course that they were disbanded. Simultaneously and temporarily, the 2nd and 5th Ranger Battalions, which took part in the fighting in Normandy, were formed almost simultaneously in the USA. However, after 1945, all battalions of this formation were disbanded. They were reformed for the purposes of the Korean War (1950-1953) and Vietnam (1964 / 1965-1975) as independent companies, theoretically forming the 75th Infantry Regiment. In 1974, the 1st and 2nd Ranger Battalions were created, and in 1984 the 3rd Battalion joined them. All these battalions remain in active service to the present day. The soldiers of these battalions fought, inter alia, in the Second Gulf War (2003) and during operations in Afghanistan (after 2001).

Already after the first experiences of fighting in North Africa at the turn of 1942-1943, the US Army changed the position of the American infantry division. From 1943 onwards, each infantry division had three full-time infantry regiments, in turn composed of three infantry battalions. In addition, the infantry regiment also included other units, for example: an anti-tank company, an artillery company or a staff company. In total, the US Army's infantry regiment numbered approximately 3,100 soldiers. It should also be remembered that the division also included a strong artillery component consisting of four artillery battalions - 3 light and 1 medium, most often armed with 105 and 155 mm howitzers. There was also, among others, an engineering battalion, a repair company, a reconnaissance unit and a Military Police platoon. In total, the US Infantry Division numbered approximately 14,200 people from 1943. It quite clearly dominated the artillery over the German division and had much better and - above all - fully motorized means of transport, which made it a highly mobile tactical formation. It also had much richer "individual" anti-tank weapons in the form of a large number of bazooka launchers, of which there were over 500 in the entire division.

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Vélemény hozzáadása: Two US Rangers Team With Bazooka - WW2 US Gls With Bazooka M1A1 Rocket Launcher, Normandy 1944 (Part 1)


Mirage Hobby Tyniecka 36 02-621 Warszawa Lengyelország
Felelős szervezetMirage Hobby Tyniecka 36 02-621 Warszawa Lengyelország

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Hozzáadva a katalógushoz: 13.11.2024
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Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: Firma49
Termékkód: FIA-F016-35
Elérhetőség: egyéni megrendelésre kapható

2640 Ft vagy 4300 pont

Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: MiniArt
Termékkód: mna35329
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5325 Ft vagy 8600 pont

Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: Firma49
Termékkód: FIA-H017-35
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2640 Ft vagy 4300 pont

Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: Rado Miniatures
Termékkód: RDM35PE17
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4549 Ft vagy 7400 pont

Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: Minor
Termékkód: MNO-351096
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7492 Ft vagy 12200 pont

Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: Dynamo-Models
Termékkód: DYM-A35010
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1831 Ft vagy 3000 pont

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Gyártó: Royal Model di R. Reale
Termékkód: RLM461
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6446 Ft vagy 10500 pont

Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: Minor
Termékkód: MNO-351097
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3751 Ft vagy 6100 pont

Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: Rado Miniatures
Termékkód: RDM35S02
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4549 Ft vagy 7400 pont

Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: Alpine Miniatures
Termékkód: ALP-H019
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7449 Ft vagy 12100 pont

Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: CMK
Termékkód: CMP35014
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4441 Ft vagy 7200 pont

Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: Black Dog
Termékkód: BLD-T35249
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10058 Ft vagy 16300 pont

Hasonló termékek

Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: Mirage-Hobby
Termékkód: mir350003
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5562 Ft vagy 9000 pont

Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: Alpine Miniatures
Termékkód: ALP-35294
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9940 Ft vagy 16100 pont


Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: Ardennes Miniature
Termékkód: RDN-35033
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11859 Ft
Legalacsonyabb ár: 15849 Ft vagy 25700 pont


Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: CMK
Termékkód: CMF35194
Elérhetőség: kapható!

6716 Ft
Legalacsonyabb ár: 8969 Ft vagy 14600 pont


Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: D-DAY miniature studio
Termékkód: DDA-35079
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11104 Ft
Legalacsonyabb ár: 14878 Ft vagy 24100 pont


Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: Mantis Miniatures
Termékkód: MAN-35108
Elérhetőség: kapható!

5821 Ft
Legalacsonyabb ár: 7773 Ft vagy 12600 pont


Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: D-DAY miniature studio
Termékkód: DDA-35077
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5735 Ft
Legalacsonyabb ár: 7654 Ft vagy 12400 pont

Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: Dragon
Termékkód: dra6378
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9951 Ft vagy 16200 pont

Méretarány: 1:35
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5864 Ft vagy 9500 pont

Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: Tamiya
Termékkód: tam35013
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1527 Ft vagy 2400 pont

Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: Tamiya
Termékkód: tam35250
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12565 Ft vagy 19400 pont

Méretarány: 1:35
Gyártó: Tamiya
Termékkód: tam35048
Elérhetőség: kapható!

2025 Ft vagy 3100 pont