A napóleoni háborúk (1799-1815) alatti brit huszárezredek egyes könnyű dragonyosezredek átalakításával jöttek létre, amelyre 1806-ban és - a 18. huszárezred esetében - 1807-ben került sor. A brit hadseregben a huszárokat elsősorban könnyű lovasságnak tekintették, felderítésre, felderítésre, saját csapataik menetének biztosítására, a második sorban pedig a csatában való részvételre szánt lovasságnak tekintették őket. Minden brit huszárezrednek kék egyenkabátja, kék dolmánya és szőrös alacsony kalapja volt bojttal. Egyes ezredek színében különböztek, például a hajtókák vagy csíkok színében. A brit huszárok fő fegyvere az 1796-os szablya volt, lőfegyvereik pisztolyok, lovassági puskák, a 10. huszárezred esetében pedig Baker menetes puskák voltak. A brit huszárok rendes ezrede általában 5 századból állt, amelyek közül az egyiket hátvédként kezelték. Elméletileg egy század körülbelül 180 főt számlált, de a hadjárat során ez a szám csökkent, és a waterlooi csata idején a brit huszárok osztaga átlagosan 140-150 főt számlált.
The Battle of Waterloo was fought on June 18, 1815 and was the last battle commanded by Napoleon Bonaparte with the French forces. It is assumed that on the French side, about 65,000 soldiers and 250 guns took part in the battle, while on the Anglo-Dutch and Prussian sides, a total of about 123,000 men, with about 160 guns (excluding Prussian artillery) fought. The French side was led, of course, by the emperor of the French, the allies - Arthur Wellesley, Fr. Wellington, and the Prussians - Gebhard von Blücher. British-Dutch troops, awaiting the arrival of the Prussians, but also based on the experiences of Fr. Wellington, learned from the fighting in Spain, adopted a defensive stance, and their position was supported by farm buildings. The battlefield with boggy ground, soaked with water after intense rainfall, also favored the defenders, as it made it difficult to develop a cavalry attack. The battle began around 11.30 with the French artillery cannonade, and later - with the attacks of the French infantry on the British-Dutch positions. Initially, the fight for the Hougomont farm was fought, but later also on the right flank and in the center of the Allied formation. The next phase of the battle was the British cavalry charges, which were intended to relieve the fighting infantry, which initially brought great success to the British, but were finally repulsed with considerable losses. Despite fierce fighting and attacks led by Marshal Ney, around 4.30 pm, the British positions seemed to be intact, and the Prussians, commanded by Gebhard von Blücher, were already approaching the battlefield. Finally, around 19.30, the 1st Prussian Corps entered the fight - it meant that the scales of victory were tilted towards the allies, despite the Old Guard's attack on British positions. The immediate aftermath of the Battle of Waterloo was Napoleon's abdication and the end of the Napoleonic era in the history of Europe.